Is there any end to Shutstorm 2013?
Categories: UncategorizedTags: Furloughed, government shutdown, House of Reprsentatives, Pay, Shutstorm, Workers(And no, that phrase is not original with me.) Short answer? No. But over the weekend,...
View ArticleIf Walmart could promise they’d treat their workers right…
Categories: Let's shop our asses offTags: Flash mob, Respect, Walmart, Workers…I’d start shopping there again. And thanks, Tracy, for this. And tha-a-a-a-a-at’s right, shoppers. Take all the photos and...
View ArticleWalmart: Bringing a noodle to a knife fight
Categories: Let's shop our asses offTags: Ashton Kutcher, Behemoth, OurWalmart, Respect, Walmart, WorkersYesterday, Ashton Kutcher (for whom I’ve already expressed my delight for) got into a discussion...
View ArticleImmigration reform: Now.
Categories: ImmigrationTags: Immigration Policy Center, Immigration reform, U.S., WorkersYou can learn more here. (Read more...)
View ArticleWe need a new NRA
Categories: Balm in GileadTags: Corporate greed, evangelicals, Greed, National Restaurant Association, National Rifle Association, NRA, Original gangsta, rights, The Guarian, War on America, Wayne...
View ArticleConnecticut’s still a rocky ground for those refugee children
Categories: UncategorizedTags: Children, Connecticut, economy, Latino, Legal status, New Americans, Refugee, Rocky ground, U.S. Census Bureau, WorkersWhich is strange, when you consider that the...
View ArticleEmployees stage protest in favor of boss. World tips over.
Categories: Work lifeTags: $12 an hour, Arthur Demoulas, CEO, Fired, Market Basket, Online support. Boycott ads, Profit sharing, Revolt, Website, WorkersEmployees at Market Basket, where clerks start...
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